Does Masturbation Result in Clear Skin?


A recent survey found that 84 percent of Americans 92 percent of men and 72 percent of women masturbatation. Even though almost everyone masturbates, more than half (55%) never discuss it. And what's this? Self-indulgence has a surprising number of positive effects on your body, appearance, and relationships, from improving your skin to promoting sound sleep. Here are seven reasons to masturbate in case you need them (or simply an excuse).

1. It benefits the appearance.

Have you ever had sex and observed an after-sex glow when you glanced in the mirror? While you may assume that the heightened heat factor of getting busy you know, that sex sweat has something to do with it, your hormones actually play a bigger role. Masturbation can have some real aesthetic advantages, and it's a lot less expensive than a facial, claims Paul Hokemeyer, Ph.D., an internationally recognized marriage, family, and relationship counselor. Dopamine and oxytocin are only a couple of the substances our bodies release during orgasms, which also make us feel great and make us sparkle like diamonds, according to the expert. The good news is that you may still get the desired look without the aid of a companion or even makeup; no costly blush is required.

Next: Masturbation can help you reverse your frown.

2. It might improve your mood.

The majority of us have felt the euphoric, joyful feeling that follows a romp between the sheets. And what's this? It's not only in your head. Dopamine and oxytocin, two hormones released during an orgasm that also make our skin glow, are mood enhancers that make us "feel at one with ourselves and the world around us," according to Dr. Hokemeyer. So, indeed, as he puts it, having sex and masturbating is like "natural Xanax." Additionally, you don't need a companion or a doctor's prescription to enjoy the mood-enhancing effects. He describes the hormones as "nature's gift" and advises using them generously.

3. It can aid in sleep. 

According to the National Sleep Foundation, having an orgasm has significant sleep benefits. Once again, it has to do with the hormones released during the act. Not only does it boost oxytocin, but it also lowers the stress-related hormone cortisol, both of which help induce slumber. Additionally, the big O releases the hormone prolactin, making you feel relaxed and sleepy. "There is no better slumber," says the National Sleep Foundation.

What can masturbation do to prevent it?

4. Your risk of prostate cancer may be reduced.

Scientists believe that one daily orgasm could prevent prostate cancer, which affects one in nine men throughout their lifetime. Yep. Researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School found that males who ejaculate more than 21 times per month have a 22 percent decreased risk of developing the condition. Although the precise relationship between the two is uncertain, reproductive health expert Paul Turek, M.D., thinks it has to do with your body getting rid of semen. According to him, using the system as it was intended to be used would be healthier than allowing it to become inactive. It might essentially be a "use it or it goes bad" theory.

Do you feel out of control? Perhaps you can assist yourself with that.

5. You may feel more in charge of your life as a result.

Have you ever experienced utter overwhelm from life, where nothing you do or say seems to make a difference? It can be annoying, to say the least that we have no influence over other people, places, or things, but when it comes to our body, we have the power to make ourselves feel good. Dr. Hokemeyer says, "We live in a chaotic and stressful world. For millennials, who masturbate considerably more frequently than any other age group, "Masturbation permits us to step out of this chaos and gain command over our bodies and our emotions." According to a recent survey, 57 percent of respondents masturbate on a weekly basis, which Hokemeyer attributed to both the pressures of their jobs and the

the current era of internet hookups and dating. "By masturbating, we can put all those concerns at the door and have a close, secure relationship with ourselves."

In a very unique way, masturbating can aid in weight loss.

6. It has the potential to decrease hunger.

In a sense, oxytocin is the hormone of endless love. When released during an orgasm, it can make you feel, look, and sleep better while also satiating your hunger. Dr. Hokemeyer says, "We forget that humans are animals with basic, innate demands for survival. "When we deny ourselves a need, the complimentary drives that support it go into overdrive. How powerful is oxytocin? "People who deny themselves the pleasure that comes through sex tend to overcompensate in other areas, such as by eating too much." According to one study, when oxytocin is released, we are less eager to consume and more motivated to reproduce. So, in a way, masturbation and sex can take the place of eating!

Next: Both your relationship and real sex can benefit from it.

7. It won't interfere with your sexual life.

Some people believe that masturbation negatively affects relationships and sex life in general (under the misconception that masturbation is replacing sex), although this isn't always the case. A recent study found that both men and women who routinely masturbate do so as a supplement to sex rather than as a substitute for it. So it's quite possible to enjoy some alone time in addition to having a lot of sex.

What Are Female Masturbation's Health Advantages?

It's highly likely that the sex education you received as a child had some impact on who you are today. It can impact how you view your body and sex, regardless of whether you attended an extensive lecture on the ins and outs of orgasms or none at all. In 2020, there will be a huge number of sex-positive educators bringing awareness to the value of pleasure and body awareness. Therefore, it seems strange that feminine pleasure is still a little taboo. Particularly in light of the substantial health advantages of female masturbation.

Everyone should be able to have satisfying sexual experiences, whether they do it with a partner or partners or alone. And understanding your own unique triggers could significantly enhance practically every area of your health. Although it may seem like a very private practice, 96% of the people Univia spoke to admitted to masturbating at least once a month. Nearly 59% of respondents who said they masturbate weekly also stated they have a favorable body image, making it the second most effective method of self-care.

Your brain works extremely hard during orgasm to create a wide variety of hormones and neurochemicals. These chemicals include serotonin and dopamine, which make you feel good and satisfied. Additionally, oxytocin is released, which may make you feel content, connected to someone, and affectionate. Additionally, several research has suggested that it may reduce anxiety. An orgasm is the strongest non-drug burst of dopamine accessible, according to research by Gloria Brame, Ph.D., so if you experience euphoria after practicing self-acceptance, you may blame your hormones.

You may sleep better after masturbating because of hormones. Your body releases vasopressin after an orgasm. This works in tandem with melatonin, which manages your sleep cycle. It may be the ideal formula for sound, deep REM sleep since oxytocin soothes your mind while dopamine and serotonin make you feel extremely satisfied.

According to Megan Andelloux, a sexologist and sexuality educator, "Masturbation can be a self-soothing behavior that calms down our minds [...] gets us in touch with our bodies, and gives us time to focus on ourselves instead of worrying about what others think. As children, many people were shamed or chastised when caught masturbating. They won't be able to have those discussions with their own children in the future if they aren't educated that sexuality and masturbation are normal and can even be healthy.

While studies have emphasized the potential mental and self-esteem benefits of masturbation, several studies have also suggested that there may be bodily benefits. Your heart rate increases as you orgasm, which is beneficial for your heart health even though it isn't comparable to running for 30 minutes. Similar to this, you'll experience contractions throughout your climax, which may be the most entertaining way to improve your pelvic floor muscles. Some studies have even shown that the slight increase in cortisol that occurs after an orgasm may improve immunological function.

Orgasm has been linked to physical pleasure and pain in studies that have attempted to prove its physical benefits. This could be the reason why orgasms could help with PMS symptoms. Similarly, masturbating stimulates blood flow to the vulva which stimulates lubrication. According to Sherry Ross, MD, OB/GYN, and author, "masturbating can help relieve anything from cramps and back pain to headaches and joint aches." This helps ease some of the discomfort caused by vaginal atrophy or dryness, which is a frequent menopausal side effect.

Female masturbation provides a variety of health benefits in addition to feeling fantastic. Your emotional and physical health may be significantly improved if you allow yourself the time and freedom to discover what you like about your body without feeling ashamed.

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